26 May 2011

The Big Fat Nag Says:

Eat your vegetables !

Yeah, yeah -- you don't like squash. Okay, eat a carrot. Really ? You don't like carrots ? What about a parsnip ? No ? Asparagus ? Beets ? Green beans ?


I will admit to thinking that greens and turnips are nasty, but -- really -- eat some veggies every day. You'll thank me someday.

NB: Deep-fried potatoes DO NOT COUNT as vegetables. Nor is ketchup. I don't care what McDonalds says.

Thoughts ?

04 February 2011

Man Plans. . . God Laughs

Sooo. . . where to begin ?

DH and I completed our vacation to the Eastern Caribbean and returned home on the 22nd of January. He immediately went back to work on Monday and I began the task/s of restoring the house to some sort of order -- emptying suitcases, washing clothes, soothing frantic animals.

The chair for the living room was delivered on the 25th, so we now have one chair that needs another home.

Plus, his Christmas present finally arrived, so he now has a decent chair in which to work at home -- but that now means that we have two chairs to go somewhere else.

I dropped the dog off at "preschool" on Tuesday and did a bunch of errands, including rescheduling jury duty and moving his haircut up to Wednesday, so that DH didn't have to do it on the weekend. =)

I already had a trip planned out of state, leaving on 2/6, but I got a call on the 30th saying that a dear friend of mine was not doing well and that we probably needed to go ahead and make plans to go see him. That's when the storm/s shut down DFW. I got a call on Wednesday morning letting me know that he was returned to his Maker the night before.

It's times like these that I don't understand how stuff works. Since he was diagnosed last year, our paths have not crossed again. If I was in town, he was away. I think of him as one of my best friends, even tho we didn't get to see each other often and he was the closest thing I've ever had to a brother.

It just seems so strange that we place so much importance on the minor annoyances in our life, while the major stuff sometimes gets shunted aside for "another day".

I'm just sad that I don't have "another day" with Howard.

Thoughts ?

14 January 2011

How Can It Be Friday Already ?

In less than three hours, we will be on our way to our vacation.

I left my position on Tuesday and will be fulfilling some other plans for the rest of the year.

For those of you who might be reading, the thanks for the previous four years of support still stand and I hope that the next year will be one of the most interesting and exciting. I'm so privileged to be able to share it.

I am packed and ready to go -- which may count as a minor miracle. . .

Thoughts ?