06 July 2007

Bandwagon anyone ?

Yep -- looks like I'm finally jumping on it. It's only been what ? 6-7 years since it was fashionable to start your own blog and clog up those darn Internet tubes with the ramblings of Shakespeare's monkeys, right ?

Anyhow -- I don't promise to write often, nor to write anything that will change the course of mankind, but. . . it has been my recent experience that some of the musings in my head seem to be [a]musings. . . and I think I may be ready on some level to subject them to (gentle, please) criticism. =P

Having said that. . . my first dead horse to beat would be. . . why are so many people in the IT industry these days so incredibly dense ? Is it because there are so many openings that they are just not filled fast enough ? Is it because l33t sk33lz coming out of high school substitute in equal measure for lack of common sense and good judgment ? Is it a simple failure of business in general to demand good communication skills, both written and verbal, that let these slack-jawed yokels in ?

Don't get me wrong -- I don't mean to say that ALL IT folks are drooling eedjits. . . but dang -- I've sure met a bunch. (Maybe that just says something about me, dunno -- or maybe it says a great deal about folks coming into the "industry" with certs and no seasoning.

All righty -- having led with the ol' one-two -- I'll just sit back and wait to be flamed for this. . . although I don't think I'm a) wrong or b) alone in this.

Thoughts ?


Sirocco said...

Hey! I resemble that remark!!

You're only about 3-4 years behind the times anyway ... and I don't have a good answer for your questions. In my experience, most developers aren't "eejits", but the operations folks ... well, I have concerns about them.

Unknown said...

I have no idea. Thus, I will set up a focus group, poll stakeholders, collect results, make conclusions, and then present several recommendations for a solution ranked ordinally.

That's the only way I know how to do anything anymore.


Unknown said...

well, well, well. Guess you hit a nerve. Will continue to study this problem with others and respond at a later date.