10 January 2008

There Are Not Enough "Ws" in "OWWWWWW"

Suffice it to say that I will be re-establishing my relationship with Bic razors at least as far as my tender armpits are concerned.

Yeah. I tried waxing them for the first time and here's all I have to say about that.

Oh. Mah. GAH !

Right armpit -- first try. Wax strip and rippage = NOTHING BUT PAIN. I can deal with pain. I can handle pain. But, dagNABBIT -- that strip better be yanking out some HAIR along with that pain !
NOTHING. Noooooothing. Zero. Zippo. Zilch. Nada.

I figure I did it wrong.
I make my second HUGE mistake.
I apply the strip. . . to the LEFT armpit. As I do so, I realize that my right armpit is now stuck together a little bit. Might I add. . . OWCHIE. . . because, you see. . . what is stuck together is now red, inflamed, and throbbing with every heartbeat.

I figure. . . crap, I've already smashed on the wax strip -- I'm pretty much in this for the long haul. I take a deep breath and prepare for further agony.



Guess what ? I have exactly seven more hairs from the left side than the right. . . for a grand total of SEVEN.

Great googly MOOGLY !

There is something to be said for having your husband downstairs listening to a loud hockey game. It keeps him from hearing the shrieking. I just hope that the neighbors did not think we were beating each other with hammers for fun.

Anyhow, I will close this cautionary tale with this: remember the Epilady and know that wax strips on armpits are immeasurably "painfuller".

Thoughts ?