20 January 2013

The Forgotten

I guess you're never too old to get your feelings hurt.  

I am living outside of my "Southern Comfort zone" and it really hit home today.  A previous work friend posted that he was so thankful for "all his friends" that had helped with a work party and it hit me that I wasn't even invited to participate.  *** instant flashback to junior high ***

I've had problems with this before -- it's like, when I'm not in close proximity to people, I'm instantly forgotten.  And I don't understand this -- but I also know that I remember people for far longer than I probably should.  

Maybe it's because of where I grew up, where there weren't many people and those that *were* there, stayed there.  We didn't have a lot of folks move in and out -- if you were in my school, there was a very good chance that you would be there for 9, 10, 11, 12 years.  And you might not ever move away even after school.  

Even so, I didn't make really close friends in high school, but I tried.  I didn't make really close friends in college -- but I tried.  I have made friends in every work environment I've ever been in, but again. . . not really "close", "tight" friendships -- more like people you connect with on Facebook to catch up and check in on a few times a year, with two exceptions.  I made friends in Houston that I still have and I made friends up here at a consulting company that I am still in touch with.

I guess what I'm not getting is. . . how this works.  I try *so hard* to be polite, mind my manners, bring thoughtful gifts, be funny, get invited back, and make sure that I am memorable (because that is how my parents/grandparents raised me) and it. JUST. DOESN'T. WORK.

Anyhow -- maybe there's a Friends for Dummies book out there somewhere.  Maybe.  

Maybe I could write it someday.

Thoughts ?

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