11 September 2007

A Week In the Life

Okay -- a little more than a week, I guess. . .

The last couple of weeks have been pretty busy at work, and I hadn't gotten Robert his birthday gift yet. So, naturally, I spent Saturday the 1st Christmas shopping ! Yes, yes, I know. Horrible wife. Well, not exactly.

I decided to let him off the hook Saturday for the first day of the college football season. Of course on SUNDAY, we did go to Fry's electronics and brought home every (tech) man's dream. No -- not the 60 inch plasma that plugs into the ear automagically. Just a 22 inch LCD monitor that is, I must say, bee-yoo-ti-ful. After we went to Fry's, we also took a quick trip up to Seattle because I had a small obsession to fulfill. Who knew it would be so hard to find tequila lollipops ? No, not for me. Yes, I found them. No, not in Seattle. Puyallup. Yes. Puyallup. We also did a Nielsen survey for a new movie (me) and a new tv show (Robert). I can't tell you any more than that, but. . . I think there may be a new movie coming out that I will have to drag poor Robert to.

Monday was Labor Day, so of course Baxter woke me up at 6:45, scratching on the garage door. He doesn't want in the garage -- he just wants to go somewhere else. I wish I knew where he wanted to go because I know dang well that garage door doesn't lead to the Cayman Islands. Since I was already awake, I went ahead and knocked some stuff off our DVR -- two more obsessions, Monk & Psych -- did some chores, and then settled down with Robert for some WoW time. No, no -- not that. Notice the capitals, please. =P

Tuesday I got to learn a whole new set of skills. I was already covering for one person out on vacation. I thought -- how difficult can this be, seeing as I already know the system, know most of the people involved on our side, and know most of the assignments for those people. Let me mention right now that I am an eeeeediot. Anyhow. . . those aren't the skills I was talking about -- I was also asked to take on another small task overseeing a meeting. That's not so hard except it involved some technology that a) I have not used in this manner before, b) I haven't seen in action at this particular meeting, and c) is only possible for me to use when I am on the client site. Interesting. I knew about the coverage last week, but just hadn't had a chance to actually test drive everything that was required, so what do I do ? Yep -- I work it out where I'm at the site early, I talk with the designated tech person, and I do a quick run-through in the conference room. One small oopsie -- this is a borrowed laptop and doesn't love me. I have to call the tech back in order to have the software installed by an "administrator". Fuuuunnnn. Suffice it to say -- the meeting went as well as it was going to -- it wasn't bad.

Wednesday was a normal day -- just getting ready to be busy, although I didn't realize it at the time. I got quite a bit done and did the normal Wednesday meeting. After that, I talked with another co-worker and realized that I was not going to have any space allocated to me in the new building. At all. For those of you in the audience (j/k), this means that I am now working from home five days a week. Am I complaining ? NOPE. It just means that I now have to pack up every single item in my office (a couple of moving boxes' worth) and take it home because I have no idea what else to do with it. I spend a little time packing up and get all the stuff in my car. It's amazing what you can do all by yourself, btw. Just hoist that box up on your shoulder like a stevedore and tote that bale right down a couple flights of stairs. Nope, nope -- I can sure get that door by myself as well -- no help needed. /eye

I thought the heavy lifting was over, but then Thursday & Friday crashed down on me like a tidal wave. Processed a bunch of work on Thursday and then dealt with the requests on Friday for all the specific tasks required since I am covering for someone else. The upshot of this is. . .not a lot of my work got done, although nothing is/was late and nothing will be. Robert's been sick for a few days as well -- running fever and coughing, so I'm not getting much sleep.

Saturday ! I get to sleep late ! Okay -- 9:30 is not late exactly, but at least I'm being able to catch up on some of the sleep deprivation caused by Baxter for the last couple of weeks months. Oh, but we leave the house around 10:30. Did I mention that we are headed to the UW Husky vs Boise State Bronco game ? Robert's co-worker, the other Robert, came over and we headed to the Federal Way Transit Center. Oh, HEY ! WRONG transit center ! Who would have ever thought that the shuttle to the game would be at the other transit center in Federal Way ? Actually -- who would have ever thought that there were TWO TRANSIT CENTERS in the SAME PLACE ? Yes -- we drove up to the UW campus in Seattle. *grumble, mumble* Stupid transit center.

We get to the game and hunt for a place to park. Since we are late -- because of the Transit Center boo-boo -- we have to park in Spokane. I keed, I keed. We hunt around close to campus and finally find the secret parking spot. After a quick hike of about half a mile (I wish I keed), we get to the stadium and meet the friends who have made the tickets available to us. Now, we need to climb the Everest of stadiums. One set of stairs coming in, two more ramps to the "upper section". Oh, but then, friends and neighbors, there are some more stairs and we all know that I am built for comfort and not for stamina. I make it up the stairs fine and get to our seats. I sit down and get ready to cheer for the Broncos, but. . . oh ! What are those ? Those neato little green spots ? What are those and. . . why am I suddenly having trouble staying upright ? Wow. Robert got to see his wife doing some swaying that puts to shame anyone else's stinkin' drunk.

Disclaimer for all -- I'm FINE ! I'm FINE !

Anyway, the paramedic lady was very nice and I was just a smidge dehydrated, I guess. (Actually, I don't guess -- that's what she told me. I went down at halftime and had a chat with her to prove that I really was okay and that she didn't need to worry. She really told me that I was so dehydrated that I had a green ring around my right eye. I explained that it was my contact showing.

She said, "That's what I mean -- you were so dehydrated that your contact was pulling away from your eye a little.)

A little pizza and some fresh-squeezed lemonade later, I am feeling much better. The game ends and Boise State doesn't win, but that's okay, I guess -- the UW folks are very happy. We all head to the car and finally get home late that night. Poor Robert II -- I get home and crash out. Robert I goes out to supper with him and they have a great time. I sleep for about 5 hours and finally get some REM sleep.

Sunday I continue my quest for sleep. Robert and I do our normal chores and I get ready for the next week. I know that there is a lot of work coming my way, so I'm trying to conserve a little energy.

I hit the ground running sprinting loping walking crawling dragging on Monday, because Baxter, in some psychic dog way, decided to scratch the [ censored ] garage door at 2:00am. After about an hour and a half of trying to get him settled down, I haul myself back upstairs and proceed to wake up every hour until I finally remember my name and get up to go to work at 8:00. Monday is very busy. I have an early meeting and then I crank out a bunch of processed work. I also get the picnic invitations printed out for our neighborhood picnic, but can't find my stupid paper trimmer. I also get the China pics off my HP camera ! YAY !

Tuesday is almost as busy. I work in the morning and get a bunch of work processed, then I head downtown to oversee the same meeting that I handled last Tuesday. THIS time, it goes way smoother. I finally get done and spend the rest of my night with my brand new shiny guilty pleasure. Yes, it's true. I've found. . . "Flipping Out" on Bravo. And it's a MARATHON ! I also find the paper trimmer.

Thoughts ?


Sirocco said...

Sounds like a busy, busy week. Too bad BSU didn't win.

Sirocco said...

By the way, Robert sounds like a very understanding person, you forgetting his birthday and all.