15 December 2007

The Traveling Gnome's Got Nothing on Us !

We have the traveling penguin sculpture !

The story begins. . . *more to come*

The sculpture suffers a grievous injury. . . *again, more to come*

After considering all options, (bubble gum, baling wire, and duct tape), sculpture has been returned to the artist for repairs.

*snow storm*
*second attempt*
*pick up*

The upshot is. . . Larry McCaffrey is a wonderful artist and a fabulous human being. I am fixin' to go pick up the sculpture in Sequim now as he has been good enough to repair it without charge and has just been wonderful to deal with during the whole thing.

I am honestly not trying to make this a blog about ads, but. . . I do think it's important to share stories of things that go right as well as stories of coulis. *grin*

gallery website features artists on the homepage and has an artists' tab or Larry's work can be found here.

Thoughts ?


Sirocco said...

Sooo ... whatever happened to damage that wonderful sculpture in the first place? Pray tell!

Unknown said...

*blushes bright red*

I was gently and tenderly moving it to a safer location when it broke. :(

P.S. Yes grabbing it by a penguin neck is considered gently and tenderly. Please give the artist a big hug and possibly a smack on the ass for me as a HUGE thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.S. I promise to never touch anything in your home ever again (except pets and food).

P.P.P.S. I touch pets v. gently.

TexPatriate said...

No worries -- the penguin has been moved to higher ground and you have been assigned to Bix duty during your holiday stay. Touch her v. gently.

P.S. She smells *soooo* good right now.

Sirocco said...

Does Sam count as pet or as food?